Crustacean Resource Information System of India abbreviately termed as CrustaceaRIS is an online information system integrated with data and user management capabilities. This information system imbibes a much convincing list of crustacean organisms with general information, taxonomy, synonyms, habitat, ecology, distribution, occurrences, diagnostic features, biology, population status, conservation status and images. Currently the information system includes this information for species of shrimps and prawns, lobsters and crabs. CrustaceaRIS used MySQL for database development and Django web framework for developing the web- based information system comprised of web interfaces and tools. For developing the system, data from authoritative published sources like online databases and literatures published in reputed journals and books were collected compiled and screened before populating the data in the database of the information system. The highest priority was given to valid names and other names so that this system could serve as a register to act as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature. The information system is structured into three modules and these are information browsing, data management and user management. The information browsing is the homepage featured with menu, menu items and query tools provides the ability to user for browsing the information of interest. The data management module provides the ability only to registered users for feeding, editing, updating and deleting the records. The user management module is featured with registration of user and management of users by the web database administrator by granting roles, rights and permission. The web database administrator has full control over both data and users.
Resources to build CrustaceaRIS was provided by ICAR- National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Lucknow under the institute funded project entitled “Information System of selected commercially important shellfish resources from prioritized Indian aquatic ecosystem” under mandate “Cataloguing and classification of fish genetic resources”.